Which saddlesize?

How can I be sure which seat size is right for me?

The Barefoot saddle is generally available in 5 different seat sizes (size X0, 0 and size 3 are available in specific models only):

Saddle size

Clothing size (German size)


 up to child size 140


 from childrens size 152 to ladies size 34


 ladies size 36-40,  mens size 44-48


ladies size 40-46,  mens size 50-54


 ladies size 46-50,  mens size 54-58


Please ensure you choose the correct seat size for both you and your horse. If more than one person is riding the horse, you should select the seat size which will best suit the largest rider. In some cases, the saddle may seem to be too long for your horse: This is not a problem, as a Barefoot saddle can be longer than a conventional tree saddle, i.e. it can go beyond the 18th rib, without causing problems.  (Read more about saddle length under the chapters entitled: "Physiological saddle system" and "Horses with Short Backs").

At this point it is important to say that the saddle should always fit the rider, which means customers should make sure that the seat size they choose is large enough. A small rider can and may ride a saddle whose seat size is too large for him/her, whereas the opposite, a large rider in a saddle which is too small, will lead to problems. The movement of the flexible Barefoot saddle would be restricted if the seat size were too small. If the rider is too tall, he will obstruct muscle movement under the horse's shoulder, as his thighs will block the front pommel. This is unpleasant for the horse and could even lead to pressure points in the long run.

If the saddle is too small, the rider’s seat will suffer; the pelvis would be permanently tilted backward, creating a hollow back and increasing the pressure on the thighs.  This makes riders tend to clamp -the result is a forward tilted, clamping seat - the split seat. 

Your clothes size acts as a rough guide as to the right seat size. But, since both people’s build and clothing sizes are often very different, other factors must also be taken into account.  A taller rider with long thighbones, who also prefers riding with longer stirrups for example, should choose the next larger seat size. This is especially true for saddle models with larger rolls, such as the Barrydale, Lexington, Wellington or Merlyn.  

Riding will only be a pleasant experience for both horse and rider if the saddle fits both. Here you can see a Nottingham in size 3. The rider takes size 46/48.