Legal Information


Sabine Ullmann

Brentanostr. 27
D - 69434 Hirschhorn

Fon: +49 (0)6272 920500      
Fax: +49 (0)6272 9205020

email: office[at]


Provider identification:

Hint  according to § 6 Teledienstgesetzes (TDG)

§  Companyform: sole trader

§  Job title: Equine Physiotherapitst

§  trade supervisory board: Darmstadt

§  responsible chamber: IHK, Darmstadt

§  die Bezeichnung der berufsrechtlichen Regelungen: Gewerbeordnung

§  Sales tax identification-No. DE 227 937 683

Information on Online Dispute Resolution for consumers: 
The EU commission has set up an online platform for the online-resolution of disputes ("ODR-platform"). This platform serves as a contact point for extrajudicial resolutions of disputes concerning contractual obligations, arising from online sales or services agreements. Customers can reach the ODR-platform under the following link: