About Us
Are you curious to know who is standing behind this horsefriendly philosophy?
![]() Sabine Ullmann at a donation campaign in the Stuttgarter Wilhelma animal park
That’s me – Sabine Ullmann, physiotherapist for horses, together with my team of riders and horse enthusiasts, who is dedicated to support my engagement for horses. It all began with my own mare, Miss Painty – a very demanding personality with a truly difficult saddle area. Miss Painty was always tensed up and the search for a well fitting saddle became difficult and disillusioning. But one thing became even more difficult: the search for a saddle which would fit in every situation. I began fitting saddles for a reknown saddle maker to a number of very different horses. I realized quickly that one can optimize a saddle knowing how a horse functions, but the ideal solution can not be obtained with a conventional saddle. Such saddles are too rigid, they inhibit the movement of the horse – after all the back of a horse changes constantly. Realizing this I eventually created the Barefoot in 2002 – known today all around the world. I’ve got to admit: I am a bit proud of it! |
My Team:
An dieser Stelle ein großes Dankeschön an alle meine Kunden, die sich so engagiert für Barefoot-Produkte eingesetzt haben und auch heute immer wieder Kritiker überzeugen, indem Sie diesen einfach Ihren Barefoot zur Verfügung stellen - das Erlebnis spricht für sich. Sie alle gehören mit zu meinem Team!
Danke für Ihr Vertrauen.
Übrigens: Miss Painty geht heute glücklich und zufrieden unter einem Barefoot Cherokee.